About Brené Brown
The Daring Way™ method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW. Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past fifteen years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, empathy and shame. Her groundbreaking research has been featured on PBS, NPR, CNN, and Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday. Brené’s 2010 TEDx Houston talk “The Power of Vulnerability” is one of the top ten most viewed TED talks in the world, with over 14 million viewers. Additionally, Brené gave the closing talk at the 2012 TED conference, where she talked about shame, courage, and innovation. Brené is the author of three #1 New York Times bestsellers; Rising Strong (2015), Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (2012), and The Gifts of Imperfection (2010). She is also the author of I Thought It Was Just Me (2007). |
About The Daring Way™ The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was designed for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams, and organizational leaders. It can be facilitated in clinical, educational, and professional settings. During the process we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Further information is available at The Daring Way. |
Rising Strong for LGBTQ
Brene Browns Netflix show a call to courage has garnered her continued attention, people are waking up to the new narrative that vulnerability is actually COURAGE, and The old myths of vulnerability as weakness are slowly being dismantled. Knowing this myth and changing the narrative is one thing, but actually experiencing it is another, and thats where the true call to courage lies. This group is an opportunity to practice and experience the courage we've all been longing for.
Rising Strong™ is based on the simple physics of vulnerability: If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. This is a process about what it takes to get back up and how OWNING our stories of struggle ( Sexuality) give us the power to write a daring new ending. STRUGGLE can be our greatest call to COURAGE and the clearest path to a WHOLEHEARTED life. If you want to learn how to transform your story of struggle to one of bravery, then this experience is for you! This group is based on the research of Brené Brown and is based on her book Rising Strong.
This group is for you if:
You identify as LGBTQ
You have experienced rejection in some way due to your sexual orientation.
You feel alone in your story
You want deeper and more meaningful connections with others
You have mean or blaming thoughts in your head that you can’t get rid of
You want more confidence and good feelings about yourself and your sexuality
You struggle to see your worth and value no matter how much you try and convince yourself otherwise.
Whether your “story” involves being rejected by family, friends, a church community or somewhere else this group may be for you. Engage in the “reckoning, rumble, and revolution™” of the Rising Strong™ process for reconnecting back to yourself. Learn how getting curious about your story and rumble with the emotions that keep your story in place, so that you can write a daring new ending that you don't have to go alone.
This is a psycho educational and experiential group that follows the Rising Strong™ process based on Brené Brown’s research. In this structured group we will watch videos by Brene, participate in some creative and worksheet exercises, and share with each other in ways that are empowering.
This group will be facilitated by Crystal Duncan, LCSW and CDWF
This group will run over the weekend of Friday October 18th - through Sunday the 20th, 2019. Friday 6-9, Sat 10-6, and Sunday 10-3.
Cost: 500 which includes all materials needed for the group
I can work with you on a payment plan or a possible sliding scale fee if that's needed for you to be able to do this work.
Where: 731 Coast hwy 101 Suite 1E
There is a required pre screening in order to participate in this group. please call Crystal Duncan at 760-913-8426
Testimonials from previous attendees:
" I Found the classes to be extremely helpful. The concept of shame was the thing that really hit home with me. Its nice to recognize when I am shaming myself, because it now allows me to put perspective on the negative thought. those thoughts when unchecked for a long time which warped how I thought of myself. Thank you for shedding light on that concept. Also, I thought the group setting was important. Its really easy to be vulnerable and show your true self in a 1 on 1 session with a therapist. Its much harder to show that side to a group of strangers which is good practice for entering into ones arena."
" I’ve gone through my share of hurt and hardships. But what I’ve learned from your class is to be DARING. Daring enough to put on your Party 🎉 👖 and celebrate life passionately!"
" Its really much clearer to me that I was working hard to manage everyones perception of me, the deep rooted fear of not being enough lives in my body, processing shame and building shame resilience has given me a new perspective. I care less about the perception of others that don't really know me, and I can focus more on the people who actually love me for me."